Q. What if my business has multiple locations?

A. No problem! Our software allows you to play the same sound across multiple locations to be able to monitor and streamline sound quality. Each location will get it’s own login from which on-site employees can upvote songs they like and remove songs they don’t.


Q. What if I want to play uplifting music in the morning and calm music in the afternoon?

A. It is easy to play different sounds throughout the day thanks to our automated software. Talk to your sound designer and they will be able to help you determine the right sound for each time of day. Remember, this is about creating your business phonic fingerprint.


Q. What if I want to play music from different genres?

A. Also not a problem. We enjoy mixing genres together but to do so smoothly, we need to find songs from each genre that have a similar blueprint in order to develop your sound.


Q. What if I don’t have a sound system?

A. No problem! We can install hardware that plays music and allows you direct access to your private channel.


Q. Does sound actually add value?

A. The right sound can energize employees, increase dopamine for your customers, help customers make and retain memories, and allow them to feel like they belong.